Monday, February 26, 2007




Friday, February 16, 2007


バージニア大学の一年生もブログをしていますよ!みなさんのように (like you) 日本ごをべんきょうしている学生とブログではなしませんか。週まつに、好きなブログをよんで、コメントしましょう。


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


二月十日(土曜日)までに、じぶん (self) のブログにさくぶんのdraftをかいてください。みじかくてもいいです。
  • 何について書きますか (overall & each paragraph)。
  • どんなOrganizationですか。
  • Conclusionは何ですか。

Tuesday, February 06, 2007



I. Task
You are writing a letter to your host family in Japan. In the letter, tell them what you did during winter break (冬休み).

II. Steps
  1. Brainstorm ideas.
  2. Organize your ideas and prepare an outline.
  3. Write the first draft using the outline.
  4. Write the final draft.

III. Rules
  1. Write by hand. DO NOT type.
  2. Use only those patterns you have learned so far.
  3. You are expected to demonstrate that you can apply what you have learned so far in writing simple, coherent, and straightforward passages. If you can't express your ideas using the sentence structures you have learned, then try simplifying the sentences.
  4. Try to use various adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions (e.g., そして, 〜が、).

IV. Tips
  • Think about what you did during winter break.
  • Describe each activity concretely and comment on it (e.g., how you felt, what you thought about it).
  • Make sure to provide a summary or conclusion at the end of your composition (e.g., a comment on winter break in general)
  • Simply listing what you did is NOT a good composition!

V. Grading Criteria
  1. Content: Does the content of your essay match the topic? Have you provided enough details? Is the content creative?
  2. Organization: Have you done a good job of organizing your paragraphs? Do you express your ideas clearly and coherently?
  3. Language Use: Have you made any grammar mistakes (particles, tense, forms, etc.)? Have you used vocabulary that best expresses intended meaning?
  4. Challenge: Have you used an appropriate mix of the vocabulary and sentence patterns that you have learned so far? Have you used complex sentences when appropriate?
  5. Mechanics: Have you spelled words correctly? Have you punctuated sentences correctly (。and 、)?

Got lost?

I have noticed some of you got lost, i.e., couldn't find your group members' blogs and commented on a different classmate (e.g., "Nihongo no Densetsu"は、ローマンさんのじゃありません。キーフさんのじゃありません。グオさんのです。) Usually, you post self-introduction first, dodn't you? Read it and learn more about your classmates! If you really can't find it, ask!

Friday, February 02, 2007


せんこうはInternational Educational Developmentです。

I am interested in Information Communication Technology integrated education. I like traveling, diving, and surprisingly studying language, too. I speak four languages, such as Japanese, English, Indonesian and Nepali. I feel rewarded when I could communicate successfully with the language that I have learned. I believe language opens the door to another culture and another way of viewing the world. I am very pleased to assist in setting up your joyful (?) environment for Japanese learning. Good luck for this semester!!

みどり (わたしのなまえの”みどり”はひらがなです)