Saturday, December 08, 2007



Wednesday, December 05, 2007

きょう (12/5) のラボ

ポッドキャストのひょうか(Podcast Evaluation): Our podcasts are finally posted to this blog!
  • Evaluate your own and classmates' podcasts on scale of 1-5 (5 being most successful).
  • Leave comments on our class blog (each podcast is published as a post to our class blog, so leave a comment for each podcast/post).
  • Answer the survey on the project.
* If this blog's post isn't working, CLICK HERE.

Oral Interviewのれんしゅう
  • After you finish the podcast evaluation, practice for the oral interview with your partner.
If you cannot finish the three parts of the podcast evaluation (scores, comments, and survey), whatever you haven't finished is your homework due Thursday, Dec. 6 by the time of your oral interview.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Produced by Choi, De Simone, Farhnam, & Kang


Produced by Gerstein, Kim, & Switzer

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Saturday, December 01, 2007


Produced by Franklin, Hills, McVicar, & Snyder

Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007


さとうせんせいのElementary Japanese Bのがくせいのボッドキャストです。


Tuesday, November 13, 2007


After quiz - 12:40
  1. Watch your classmates' podcast. Their files are available in CourseWorks.
  2. Write comments on コメントシート. Please write your comments neatly so that your classmates can read them. Don't forget to write your name and on which podcast you are commenting on each sheet.
  3. If you can't finish the task by 12:40, please do it at home and bring comment sheets to class tomorrow.
  1. Post something to your blog/read others' blogs and leave comments.

Friday, November 09, 2007

2ねんせいのポスターはっぴょう(poster presentation by 2nd-year students)


11/28(W)6:00-7:00 PM @ 403 Kent (Student Lounge)

I really would like you to come to this presentation. You'll get to know your せんぱい (seniors)and have a chance to see how far you can go if you continue to learn Japanese. They were like you a year ago!
If you're worried about not being able to understand what they say, you shouldn't. They are expected to make necessary adjustments depending on who they're talking to, and if you don't understand, you can always ask!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

みんなのしつもん 4

I suppose English and Japanese differentiate siblings based on different criteria. In English, whether or not one shares a parent is conveyed in family terms---stepbrother, half sister, etc, while in Japanese age is important---あね, いもうと etc. I think one is likely to call his/her half brother or sister as if they have the same parents: あに/おとうと or あね/いもうと.

Having said that, here are words.
  • はらちがいのあに/あね/おとうと/いもうと(「はらちがい(腹違い)」means "different stomach")
  • いぼきょうだい(異母兄弟)(brothers whose mothers are different)
  • いぼしまい(異母姉妹)(sisters whose mothers are different)
  • いふきょうだい(異父兄弟)(brothers whose fathers are different)
  • いふしまい(異父姉妹)(sisters whose fathers are different)
かぞくのことばは、むずかしいですねえ... (*´Д`)=3ハァ・・・

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Make sure that someone in your group take responsibility for submitting the required materials.

十一月八日(木):Draft podcast and script by 11 AM

  • Audio/Video file
    • Upload your podcast to "Shared Files" in CourseWorks. Don't forget to bring the audio/movie file on a storage device (CD, flash drive, etc.) for back-up.
    • Required format: audio = MP3; movie = QuickTime (MOV)
  • Script
    • Email your script to mf2249.
十一月十三日(火):Peer review @IAB lab
  • We will go to IAB lab and watch/listen to your classmates' podcasts and give feedback.
十一月二十七日(火):Final version of podcast and script with information for broadcast through iTunes
  • Audio/Video file
    • Upload the final version of your podcast to "Shared Files" in CourseWorks. Make sure to have its back-up.
  • Script
    • Email the final version of your script to mf2249.
  • Information about your podcast
    • With your script, email me the following information in JAPANESE.
      • title of your podcast
      • names of your group members (how you want to be named as "authors")
      • short description of your podcast (1-2 sentence(s))
      • keywords (2-3 words that describe your podcast)

Friday, October 26, 2007


  • せんこう:major
  • せんもん:specialty, area of specialization
  • ひがしアジアけんきゅう:East Asian Studies
  • ぶんがく:Literature (add a country name in front of it to be more specific, e.g., にほんぶんがく Japanese literature)
  • れきし:History(add "country nameの" to be specific)
  • けいえいがく:Business
  • けいざいがく:Economics
  • きょういくがく:Education
  • じんるいがく:Anthropology
  • おんがく:Music
  • ほうりつがく:Law
  • えいがけんきゅう:Film Studies
  • いがく:Medicine
  • しんけいかがく:Neuroscience
  • こうがく:Engineering
  • けんちくがく:Architecture
  • かがく:Chemistry
  • ぶつりがく:Physics
  • コンピューターサイエンス:Computer Science
  • オペレーションリサーチ:Operational Research
  • ジャーナリズム:Journalism
If you don't know what your major is yet, せんこうは、まだきめていません。 (I haven't decided my major yet)

Thursday, October 25, 2007



New York Main Store
1073 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10018


Monday, October 22, 2007

みんなのしつもん (questions)3

  • What are differences among 「Sが、〜」、「Sけど」、「S。でも、〜」?

  • We learned「Sが、〜」today as "but". There are other ways to say "but" in Japanese, and「Sけど」and「S。でも、〜」are two of them.
    • 「Sけど」(L20): an informal equivalent of「Sが、〜」
    • 「S。でも〜」(L12): "but"; the difference between「Sが、〜」and「S。でも〜」is how they connect two sentences. While「が」is directly attached to the preceding sentence, 「でも」must come after the finished sentence (i.e., sentence with a period).
    More formal version of「でも」is「しかし」. It's probably used only in formal writing such as a report.

Thursday, October 18, 2007



  • Describe someone/something around you---your family, roommate, teacher or room in Japanese using adjectives.
  • If you received comments from students of University of Virginia and/or students of Sato-sensei and Nazikian-sensei's classes, visit their blogs and leave comments.
  • If you didn't, visit blogs by students of University of Virginia and/or students of Sato-sensei and Nazikian-sensei's classes and leave comments.
リンクは、このブログのみぎ(right)です。「にほんごのクラス」(Other Japanese Classes)をみてください。

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

遥か(はるか) by スピッツ


なつのいろにあこがれてた ふつうのまいにち
ながされたり さからったり つづくほそいみち

きみとめぐりあって もういちどさなぎになった
うそとほんとうのはざまで きえかけたぼくが

おもいでからつぎはぎした かなしいだいありー
かぎもかけず たびだつのは すこしこわいけど

おかのうえにたって おおきくかぜをすいこんで
いま こころからいえるよ においそうな I LOVE YOU


ときのよはく ぬりつぶした あくびのあとで
しあわせとかやぼなことば むねにだいたままで

こわれそうなみらいを はだしでかけぬけるような
そんなうらわざもないけど あしたにはきっと

ぼくらそれぞれ あおぎみるそら


それぞれ あおぎみるそら

とおいとおい はるかなばしょへ 

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Goals: You will have the chance to...
  1. Actively express your opinions to a real audience in Japanese.
  2. Consider first-hand how big media operates and presents information
    The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers interested in New York, Columbia University, or life at an American university – and also your classmates, of course!
    We will create approx. 5-minute radio or TV programs about life at Columbia University or in New York City.
  1. Discuss what constitutes a good podcast.
  2. Everyone will decide on the criteria that we will use to critique our own and each other’s podcasts.
  3. Keeping #2 in mind, we will form groups of 2-3 people and create podcasting scripts. Everyone will write scripts that should be of interest to a Japanese university student curious about life at an American university or in a big city in the U.S.
  4. We practice reading the scripts in a natural manner. (If it is necessary, students should memorize their scripts. The point is that the scripts must NOT sound stilted and unnatural).
  5. Record the podcasts. Resources are available at:
  6. Listen to or watch your classmates’ podcasts and make comments. (Examples: Grammar mistakes; Boring; etc.).
  7. Correct and improve the scripts based on feedback from your classmates.
  8. Record a second time.
  9. We post the podcasts online (blog and iTunes), and allow a worldwide audience to listen or watch.
  10. Listen to or watch the podcasts created by you and your classmates; critique them.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

みんなのしつもん (questions)2

My answers to some questions asked in class today...

  • "I miss you"は、にほんごでなんですか。
  • 「あなたにあえなくて、さみしい」です。Replace あなた with the person's name if you have someone in particular in mind.
  • Particle に marks the destination ("to" in English) or time (at, in). Why is it used in わたしは ふかいせんせいににほんごをならいます?
  • Some particles have many meanings, and に is one of them. According to one grammar book I have, に has 8 meanings! Each meaning surfaces depending on which noun, verb, or construction に is used with. With ならいます/かります, に is used to mark the origin: In the example above, knowledge of にほんご comes from ふかいせんせい, i.e., the origin of にほんご is ふかいせんせい, so you mark ふかいせんせい with に.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Now you've learned some verbs, you can tell us what you do/did. For example...

せんしゅうのきんようびに、わたしのともだちは、わたしのうちへきました。わたしは、ともだちとにほんのテレビをみました。それから、たこやきをたべました。(^^)  たこやきのしゃしんをとりました。しゃしんは、ここです。


みんなのしつもん (questions)

My answers to some questions asked in class today...
  • Weren't there any restaurants in Japan before?
    • I think レストラン refers to a place where Western-style dishes are served. Since Japan had been closed to foreign countries until the late 19th century, I suppose there weren't any レストラン... We have words like 飲食店(いんしょくてん)and 料理店(りょうりてん)which I think are Japanese equivalents of レストラン. The first one means "a store where you drink and eat" and the second "a store of cooking."
  • My high school friend said ヤニ-something means "to smoke"...
    • I looked it up in an online dictionary and found that ヤニる is a slang for "to smoke." ヤニ is cigarette tar, and people started to use it as a synonym of たばこ in colloquial speech. Then, る, a suffix that verbifies a noun, was attached to ヤニ to make it a verb "to smoke."

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

10/3 (W):きょうのラボ(らぼ)

Today, we're going to work on the self-introduction piece. If you need help, ask your classmates.

1) Revise the self-introduction piece based on the comments from your classmates.

2) Record the self-introduction using Wimba.
  1. Log into CourseWorks.
  2. Click on "DISCUSSION" and log in again.
  3. Once you see Wimba Voice Board, click on "New" and start recording your self-introduction. For more information on how to use Wimba, go to:
3) Type the self-introduction piece in Japanese (no roma-ji) on your blog.
  • You may modify information about yourself if you do not wish to reveal your real identity.
4) Listen to your classmates' self-introductions and comment.
  1. Highlight the posting to which you want to respond.
  2. Click on "Reply".
  3. Either type or record your reply.
  4. Click on "Send" when you are done.
5) Post your recording on your blog (optional).
  • If you want to post recording on your blog, you need to let me know so that I can export the file as MP3 (I'm the only person who are authorized to do it).
  • Upon your request, I will export the file and upload it onto the program's server. Then, I will email you the URL of your file so that you can embed the player in your post.
  1. In "Create" under "Posting" in Blogger, click on the "Edit Html" tab.
  2. Copy and paste the tag below to the place where you want the player to appear.
  3. Click on "PUBLISH" and check your blog to make sure that the player works properly.
*embed src="URL_EMAILED_TO_YOU" width="170" height="30" autoplay="false" autostart="false" controller="true"#*/embed#

In this tag, replace:
  • * with <
  • # with >
  • URL_EMAILED_TO_YOU with the real URL I will send you after exporting and uploading the file

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blog: Evaluation Criteria

I compiled your thoughts about what a good blog is.
  • Language: Try to use Japanese
  • Frequency: Post regularly
  • Content Quality: Something about yourself, relevant to class/Japanese, honest, creative, informative
  • Comments: Comment to others, reply to comments
  • Others: Organization, visual, use of Media (photos, videos, etc.)
What do you think about them as our blog's evaluation criteria? Do you agree? Disagree? Let your opinions heard by commenting on to this post.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


If you would like to try Japanese groceries, there are some good stores.
  • JAS Mart: Broadway between 110th and 111th St. / St. Marks Place between 2nd & 3rd Ave
  • Sunrise Mart: Stuyvesant St. at 3rd Ave.
This web site lists more: aozora NYC:

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What is a good blog?

I would like all of you to tell me what constitutes a good blog? Please give your thoughts by posting on your blog by Wednesday, September 26 (tomorrow). Then, please read your group members' posts and comment on them (agree? disagree? etc.)

Your comments will serve as a guideline for you at the end of the semester when your own blogs and those of your classmates’ will be evaluated.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

What do you think about learning Japanese so far?

Well, we've studied Japanese for 3 weeks so far. Have you been enjoying the experience? Or maybe frustrated? Please share your thoughts on learning Japanese, our Japanese class, etc. by writing about them on your blog. Either English or Japanese is OK, but please make sure that everyone can understand.

How to Put YoutTube Videos on Blog

Switzer-san asked me how to put (embed) YoutTube videos on his blog. Maybe you already knew it, but I thought such "how-to" would be useful to others who don't. So, I decided to put it on this class blog.
  1. Go to YouTube and find a video you want to post on your blog.
  2. On the right side, you should see the information about the video you chose. Among them is "Embed". Copy the code.
  3. Go to the section where you create a new post on Blogger. Click on "Edit Html" at the upper-right corner. Paste the code you got from Step 2.
When you publish your post, the video should be embedded in your post. You can also post your own videos. Use Blogger Help to learn how to do it.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Here's the video we watched in class.

ありがとう by いのうえようすい・おくだたみお

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Communicate with Others in Blogs

Have you finished creating your blog? How about posting the first entry? It's not as difficult as you might have though, is it?

Now, let's interact with other "bloggers"! Please visit your group members' blogs and leave comments. Don't forget to reply to the comments you received!

You're also encouraged to explore the Japanese-language learners' blogoshpere---there are students like you who are using blogs to communicate in Japanese.
You'll find more links to blogs by upper-level students (including my 2nd-year students). Look for the links under "にほんごのクラス (Other Japanese Classes).

Computing in Japanese

Do you want to make your computer Japanese capable? Do you want to type in Japanese characters, not roma-ji? If so, visit useful sites listed on the right side of this blog. There are tons of good online resources available, so take advantage of them!

If you have your own favorites, please send me URLs. I'll add them to the link list to share :-)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Labeling Posts

Organize your posts by adding a label/labes to them! It's easy to do.
  1. Write a post.
  2. Enter a label/labels in a box at lower-right corner of the space where you type the post. Once you create labels, you can just click on "Labels" and choose from them next time you want to use them.
If you need more help, search Help or ask your classmates!

First Post

Once you finish creating your blog, why don't you introduce yourself in Japanese? If you can type in Japanese, please do! Roma-ji (or romanized Japanese) is also OK. Then, tell everyone something about you (English is OK, of course)---why you decided to learn Japanese, your first encounter with Japanese, the best way you think to study Japanese, etc. Non-Japanese topics are also welcome!

にほんごでブログをしましょう: Blogging Project

Welcome to First-Year Japanese I! How's your study so far? Fun? Exciting? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Whatever you feel, you're not the only one who feels that way---I bet many in our class agree with you.

In this course, we will share our learning experiences on blogs. I would like to have spaces besides the classroom where we all can express ourselves, support each other, ask questions, etc. You can write about anything (well, as long as it's legal), for example, activities you do after class, what you would like to do in Japanese, and even suggestions/complaints about our Japanese class.

So, the main objective of this blogging project is to communicate with others by:
  • Expressing your thoughts, feelings, opinions etc. to others (me, classmates, Japanese students in other schools, Japanese-speaking people) in Japanese and/or other languages of your choice).
  • Responding comments using the "Comment" function on blog.
This blog links to your blogs and your classmates' so that you can see what others think and feel about their learning process or just simply what they're up to.

I'm interested in your experience as a language learner: what you feel, how you see it, what you think about it, etc. Please feel free to write about whatever you want to share with the readers of your blog. Jut don't forget to make a post once a week and visit others' blogs (your classmates' blogs, my blog, and blogs by students from different schools). Also, take advantage of the "Comment" function to interact with others.

Remember, you are encouraged to express yourself about any topics in any language. The sky is the limit!

To begin the project, create your own blog. Here is how to do it:

1) Go to to open your blog.
  1. Select "Settings" from the top tabs. Click "Formatting" and select any language you like for "Language" so that you can display information such as time and date of your post in the language of your choice.
  2. In order to receive comments from as many people as possible, please select "Comments" and choose "Anyone" for "Who can comment" section.
  3. You may want to know when someone left a comment to your blog. Go to "Settings" >> "Comments", scroll down to "Comment Notification Address", and type e-mail address to which you want notification to be sent.
  4. If you want to know how to type Japanese, please click the link listed on the right side.
2) Send your blog address to me (
  • If you have trouble opening a new account, please let me know.
  • If you already have a blog and if you can use Japanese, you do not have to open a new account.
3) Post a blog entry once a week.
  • Here are some inspirations for your blog topics (they are just suggestions, so write whatever you want!)
    • I could read Japanese!
    • I spoke Japanese!
    • I went to Japan!
    • Why I study Japanese
    • My Japanese friends
    • I'm confused! Help!
    • My secret study tips
    • My daily schedule
    • Japanese restaurants in town
    • My hobbies
    • Japanese music, dramas, food, anime, manga
    • What I like/dislike about my Japaense class
    • What I'd like to do in my Japanese class
    • My favorite websites
    • My classmates
    • Japanese grammar
    • Japanese vocabulary
    • Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
    • My favorite language lab exercises
4) You are also encouraged to visit others' blogs. Links to other interesting blogs can be seen on the right-side of this page. (they include links to other Japanese learners' blogs!)

If you want to discuss linguistic errors (spelling, vocab, grammar) in your posts, please feel free to come to see me. We can take a look at your posts and work on correction together.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



1ばん ベク「つりの旅行」
2ばん テギュ「さばくのまち,エアーズロック」カタリーナ「よねんのじかん」
3ばん ポーター「たいせつなレスリングのしゅん間」

ベクさんは4月13日の春まつりで,作文をはっぴょうします。みんなでおうえん(cheer up)に来てください!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007



くわしいこと (details) は、ブログを読んでください

Wednesday, March 28, 2007




Appleの"Hi, I'm Mac"のCM
Natalie PortmanのCM



クラスメートが作文を読みました。Wimbaでろくおんしました(record) 。みんなのろくおん(recording) を聞いて、とうひょうして (vote) ください。
  • いちばんよかった人のなまえ
  • にばんめによかった人のなまえ

Monday, March 19, 2007

Don’t you want to be notified when your class blog is updated or when someone comments on your blog?

みなさん、おげんきですか。ヘルプデスクの おざわみどり です。
How was your spring break? I hope you enjoyed it or at least could make yourself relaxed.

This posting is a tip on your blogger life.

1) If you want to be notified when your class blog is updated, use "Posts" feed URL.
2) If you want to be notified when someone comments on your blog, use "Post Comments" feed URL.

Section 1
What are the "Posts" feed URL and "Post Comments" feed URL?
1)"Posts" feed URL
Go to the top page of your class blog, and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see "Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)." Click on "Posts (Atom)." The URL of the page that loads is the "Posts" feed URL (The appearance of the page depends on which browser and/or browser version you are using). For your class blog, the "Posts" feed URL is
* If you are an Internet Explore user, please read the note below.
2)"Post Comments" feed URL
A "Post Comments" feed URL is set up for each post. To get the "Post Comments" feed URL, go to the top page of your blog and click on the post for which you want to be notified if comments are added. The following example shows how to find the "Post Comments" feed URL using our class blog. On our class blog, there is a posting called "さくぶんコンテスト:べんりなウェブサイト." If you want to be notified when someone comments on this post, use the "Post Comments" feed URL. The "Posts" feed URL explained above does not detect comment updates. It only detects post updates. But if you want to know comment updates, click the title of the post, "さくぶんコンテスト:べんりなウェブサイト." You will jump to "さくぶんコンテスト:べんりなウェブサイト" post page. At the left bottom of the page, you will see Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). If you click "Post Comments (Atom)", it will lead to another page. The URL shown on that page is the "Post Comments" feed URL.
*If you are an Internet Explore user, please read the note below.

How can I use the "Posts" feed URL and the "Post Comments" feed URL to receive notifications?
The easiest way is to use Google reader.
Step 1) Go to the Google reader website,
Step 2) Sign in to Google Reader
Step 3) After signing in, you will see the "Add subscription" menu in the left frame. Click it.
Step 4) You will see "Enter a search term to find feeds or paste a feed URL."
Step 5) Enter (type or paste) the "Posts" feed URL or the "Post Comments" feed URL that you have already retrieved through the procedure outlined in Section 1 above. Click the "Add" button.

This convenient notification function is called "site feed." Google reader provides only basic functions. If you want to know more about this function, please read the information at
The advantage of Google reader is that you don't need to install any software, but the disadvantage is that Google reader takes longer than other software to display updates. It depends how fast you want to receive update notifications. There is a variety of software that supports the site feed function, including some freeware. You can find software information at

If anyone has a special recommendation for software, please leave your comments on this blog.

************Note for Internet Explore users***************
Even though you click "Posts (Atom)" or "Post Comments (Atom)," IE doesn't automatically jump to another page. You need to retrieve the "Posts" or "Post Comments" feed URL manually. Right click on "Posts (Atom)" or "Post Comments (Atom)" and select "shortcut copy." When you paste it into a notepad or word, then you can see the URL.

If you have any questions about the site feed function or how to set it up, please let me know by sending email to

ヘルプデスクの おざわみどり より

Thursday, March 08, 2007





Monday, February 26, 2007




Friday, February 16, 2007


バージニア大学の一年生もブログをしていますよ!みなさんのように (like you) 日本ごをべんきょうしている学生とブログではなしませんか。週まつに、好きなブログをよんで、コメントしましょう。


Wednesday, February 07, 2007


二月十日(土曜日)までに、じぶん (self) のブログにさくぶんのdraftをかいてください。みじかくてもいいです。
  • 何について書きますか (overall & each paragraph)。
  • どんなOrganizationですか。
  • Conclusionは何ですか。

Tuesday, February 06, 2007



I. Task
You are writing a letter to your host family in Japan. In the letter, tell them what you did during winter break (冬休み).

II. Steps
  1. Brainstorm ideas.
  2. Organize your ideas and prepare an outline.
  3. Write the first draft using the outline.
  4. Write the final draft.

III. Rules
  1. Write by hand. DO NOT type.
  2. Use only those patterns you have learned so far.
  3. You are expected to demonstrate that you can apply what you have learned so far in writing simple, coherent, and straightforward passages. If you can't express your ideas using the sentence structures you have learned, then try simplifying the sentences.
  4. Try to use various adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions (e.g., そして, 〜が、).

IV. Tips
  • Think about what you did during winter break.
  • Describe each activity concretely and comment on it (e.g., how you felt, what you thought about it).
  • Make sure to provide a summary or conclusion at the end of your composition (e.g., a comment on winter break in general)
  • Simply listing what you did is NOT a good composition!

V. Grading Criteria
  1. Content: Does the content of your essay match the topic? Have you provided enough details? Is the content creative?
  2. Organization: Have you done a good job of organizing your paragraphs? Do you express your ideas clearly and coherently?
  3. Language Use: Have you made any grammar mistakes (particles, tense, forms, etc.)? Have you used vocabulary that best expresses intended meaning?
  4. Challenge: Have you used an appropriate mix of the vocabulary and sentence patterns that you have learned so far? Have you used complex sentences when appropriate?
  5. Mechanics: Have you spelled words correctly? Have you punctuated sentences correctly (。and 、)?

Got lost?

I have noticed some of you got lost, i.e., couldn't find your group members' blogs and commented on a different classmate (e.g., "Nihongo no Densetsu"は、ローマンさんのじゃありません。キーフさんのじゃありません。グオさんのです。) Usually, you post self-introduction first, dodn't you? Read it and learn more about your classmates! If you really can't find it, ask!

Friday, February 02, 2007


せんこうはInternational Educational Developmentです。

I am interested in Information Communication Technology integrated education. I like traveling, diving, and surprisingly studying language, too. I speak four languages, such as Japanese, English, Indonesian and Nepali. I feel rewarded when I could communicate successfully with the language that I have learned. I believe language opens the door to another culture and another way of viewing the world. I am very pleased to assist in setting up your joyful (?) environment for Japanese learning. Good luck for this semester!!

みどり (わたしのなまえの”みどり”はひらがなです)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

ブログのルール (rules)

  1. 2しゅうかんに1かい、ブログをかく。さいしょの (first) ブログを1/28(日)までにかいてください。
  2. クラスメートのブログをよんで、コメントをかく。
  3. ブログのコメントに、へんじ(reply)をかく。
We'll form a pair or a group and decide whose blogs you'll read and comment on.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


みなさん、こんにちは!にほんごのべんきょうはどうですか。Excited? Happy? Overwhelmed? Whatever you feel, I hope we'll share it together using blogs.

Through blogging this semester, I hope that we will learn more about ourselves as well as each other. Your blog is the place to share your experience, feelings, and everything about learning Japanese, being a Columbia student, and so on. It is also the place for you to practice expressing yourself in Japanese. You may think that you don't know much, but you'll be amazed by how much you can say in Japanese.

This class blog links to your blogs and your classmates' so that you can see what others think and feel about their learning process or just simply what they're up to. I'm interested in your experience as a language learner: what you feel, how you see it, what you think about it, etc. Please feel free to write anything you want. You are encouraged to express yourself about any topics in any language, although you'll be asked to write about specific topics in Japanese from time to time. As the semester goes on, you'll be able to write more in Japanese, so I hope to see more Japanese in your blog :-)

So, let's start blogging. Please follow the procedures below to open your blog using Blogger (if you already have your own blog, you may use it). If you need technical assistance (how to set up a blog, how to type in Japanese, etc.) send an e-mail to

1) Go to to open your blog.
  1. Select "Setting"s from the top tabs. Click "Formatting" and select "Universal" for "Encoding" so that you can type Japanese.
  2. In order to receive comments from as many people as possible, please select "Comments" and choose "Anyone" for "Who can comment" section.
  3. If you want to know how to type Japanese, please click the link listed on the right side.
2) Send your blog address to the helpdesk (
  • If you have trouble opening a new account, please let me know.
  • If you already have a blog and if you can use Japanese (e.g., you opened a blog last semester in my class), you do not have to open a new account.
3) Post a blog entry once a week. The first entry is due 1/28 (Su). If you're the first-time blogger, you may want to introduce yourself. If not, you may skip self-introduction and write whatever you want :-)
  • Don't know what to write about? Here're some suggested topics:
    • I could read Japanese!
    • I spoke Japanese!
    • I went to Japan!
    • Why I study Japanese
    • My Japanese friends
    • I'm confused! Help!
    • My secret study tips
    • My daily schedule
    • Japanese restaurants in town
    • My hobbies
    • Japanese music, dramas, food, anime, manga
    • What I like/dislike about my Japaense class
    • What I'd like to do in my Japanese class
    • My favorite websites
    • My classmates
    • Japanese grammar
    • Japanese vocabulary
    • Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
    • My favorite language lab exercises
4) You are also encouraged to visit others' blogs. Links to other interesting blogs can be seen on the right-side of this page. (they include links to other Japanese learners' blogs!)