Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Make sure that someone in your group take responsibility for submitting the required materials.

十一月八日(木):Draft podcast and script by 11 AM

  • Audio/Video file
    • Upload your podcast to "Shared Files" in CourseWorks. Don't forget to bring the audio/movie file on a storage device (CD, flash drive, etc.) for back-up.
    • Required format: audio = MP3; movie = QuickTime (MOV)
  • Script
    • Email your script to mf2249.
十一月十三日(火):Peer review @IAB lab
  • We will go to IAB lab and watch/listen to your classmates' podcasts and give feedback.
十一月二十七日(火):Final version of podcast and script with information for broadcast through iTunes
  • Audio/Video file
    • Upload the final version of your podcast to "Shared Files" in CourseWorks. Make sure to have its back-up.
  • Script
    • Email the final version of your script to mf2249.
  • Information about your podcast
    • With your script, email me the following information in JAPANESE.
      • title of your podcast
      • names of your group members (how you want to be named as "authors")
      • short description of your podcast (1-2 sentence(s))
      • keywords (2-3 words that describe your podcast)

Friday, October 26, 2007


  • せんこう:major
  • せんもん:specialty, area of specialization
  • ひがしアジアけんきゅう:East Asian Studies
  • ぶんがく:Literature (add a country name in front of it to be more specific, e.g., にほんぶんがく Japanese literature)
  • れきし:History(add "country nameの" to be specific)
  • けいえいがく:Business
  • けいざいがく:Economics
  • きょういくがく:Education
  • じんるいがく:Anthropology
  • おんがく:Music
  • ほうりつがく:Law
  • えいがけんきゅう:Film Studies
  • いがく:Medicine
  • しんけいかがく:Neuroscience
  • こうがく:Engineering
  • けんちくがく:Architecture
  • かがく:Chemistry
  • ぶつりがく:Physics
  • コンピューターサイエンス:Computer Science
  • オペレーションリサーチ:Operational Research
  • ジャーナリズム:Journalism
If you don't know what your major is yet, せんこうは、まだきめていません。 (I haven't decided my major yet)

Thursday, October 25, 2007



New York Main Store
1073 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10018


Monday, October 22, 2007

みんなのしつもん (questions)3

  • What are differences among 「Sが、〜」、「Sけど」、「S。でも、〜」?

  • We learned「Sが、〜」today as "but". There are other ways to say "but" in Japanese, and「Sけど」and「S。でも、〜」are two of them.
    • 「Sけど」(L20): an informal equivalent of「Sが、〜」
    • 「S。でも〜」(L12): "but"; the difference between「Sが、〜」and「S。でも〜」is how they connect two sentences. While「が」is directly attached to the preceding sentence, 「でも」must come after the finished sentence (i.e., sentence with a period).
    More formal version of「でも」is「しかし」. It's probably used only in formal writing such as a report.

Thursday, October 18, 2007



  • Describe someone/something around you---your family, roommate, teacher or room in Japanese using adjectives.
  • If you received comments from students of University of Virginia and/or students of Sato-sensei and Nazikian-sensei's classes, visit their blogs and leave comments.
  • If you didn't, visit blogs by students of University of Virginia and/or students of Sato-sensei and Nazikian-sensei's classes and leave comments.
リンクは、このブログのみぎ(right)です。「にほんごのクラス」(Other Japanese Classes)をみてください。

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

遥か(はるか) by スピッツ


なつのいろにあこがれてた ふつうのまいにち
ながされたり さからったり つづくほそいみち

きみとめぐりあって もういちどさなぎになった
うそとほんとうのはざまで きえかけたぼくが

おもいでからつぎはぎした かなしいだいありー
かぎもかけず たびだつのは すこしこわいけど

おかのうえにたって おおきくかぜをすいこんで
いま こころからいえるよ においそうな I LOVE YOU


ときのよはく ぬりつぶした あくびのあとで
しあわせとかやぼなことば むねにだいたままで

こわれそうなみらいを はだしでかけぬけるような
そんなうらわざもないけど あしたにはきっと

ぼくらそれぞれ あおぎみるそら


それぞれ あおぎみるそら

とおいとおい はるかなばしょへ 

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Goals: You will have the chance to...
  1. Actively express your opinions to a real audience in Japanese.
  2. Consider first-hand how big media operates and presents information
    The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers interested in New York, Columbia University, or life at an American university – and also your classmates, of course!
    We will create approx. 5-minute radio or TV programs about life at Columbia University or in New York City.
  1. Discuss what constitutes a good podcast.
  2. Everyone will decide on the criteria that we will use to critique our own and each other’s podcasts.
  3. Keeping #2 in mind, we will form groups of 2-3 people and create podcasting scripts. Everyone will write scripts that should be of interest to a Japanese university student curious about life at an American university or in a big city in the U.S.
  4. We practice reading the scripts in a natural manner. (If it is necessary, students should memorize their scripts. The point is that the scripts must NOT sound stilted and unnatural).
  5. Record the podcasts. Resources are available at: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/japaneseaudio/podcasting/info.html
  6. Listen to or watch your classmates’ podcasts and make comments. (Examples: Grammar mistakes; Boring; etc.).
  7. Correct and improve the scripts based on feedback from your classmates.
  8. Record a second time.
  9. We post the podcasts online (blog and iTunes), and allow a worldwide audience to listen or watch.
  10. Listen to or watch the podcasts created by you and your classmates; critique them.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

みんなのしつもん (questions)2

My answers to some questions asked in class today...

  • "I miss you"は、にほんごでなんですか。
  • 「あなたにあえなくて、さみしい」です。Replace あなた with the person's name if you have someone in particular in mind.
  • Particle に marks the destination ("to" in English) or time (at, in). Why is it used in わたしは ふかいせんせいににほんごをならいます?
  • Some particles have many meanings, and に is one of them. According to one grammar book I have, に has 8 meanings! Each meaning surfaces depending on which noun, verb, or construction に is used with. With ならいます/かります, に is used to mark the origin: In the example above, knowledge of にほんご comes from ふかいせんせい, i.e., the origin of にほんご is ふかいせんせい, so you mark ふかいせんせい with に.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Now you've learned some verbs, you can tell us what you do/did. For example...

せんしゅうのきんようびに、わたしのともだちは、わたしのうちへきました。わたしは、ともだちとにほんのテレビをみました。それから、たこやきをたべました。(^^)  たこやきのしゃしんをとりました。しゃしんは、ここです。


みんなのしつもん (questions)

My answers to some questions asked in class today...
  • Weren't there any restaurants in Japan before?
    • I think レストラン refers to a place where Western-style dishes are served. Since Japan had been closed to foreign countries until the late 19th century, I suppose there weren't any レストラン... We have words like 飲食店(いんしょくてん)and 料理店(りょうりてん)which I think are Japanese equivalents of レストラン. The first one means "a store where you drink and eat" and the second "a store of cooking."
  • My high school friend said ヤニ-something means "to smoke"...
    • I looked it up in an online dictionary and found that ヤニる is a slang for "to smoke." ヤニ is cigarette tar, and people started to use it as a synonym of たばこ in colloquial speech. Then, る, a suffix that verbifies a noun, was attached to ヤニ to make it a verb "to smoke."

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

10/3 (W):きょうのラボ(らぼ)

Today, we're going to work on the self-introduction piece. If you need help, ask your classmates.

1) Revise the self-introduction piece based on the comments from your classmates.

2) Record the self-introduction using Wimba.
  1. Log into CourseWorks.
  2. Click on "DISCUSSION" and log in again.
  3. Once you see Wimba Voice Board, click on "New" and start recording your self-introduction. For more information on how to use Wimba, go to: http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/itc/wimbahelp/student/voiceboard_s.html
3) Type the self-introduction piece in Japanese (no roma-ji) on your blog.
  • You may modify information about yourself if you do not wish to reveal your real identity.
4) Listen to your classmates' self-introductions and comment.
  1. Highlight the posting to which you want to respond.
  2. Click on "Reply".
  3. Either type or record your reply.
  4. Click on "Send" when you are done.
5) Post your recording on your blog (optional).
  • If you want to post recording on your blog, you need to let me know so that I can export the file as MP3 (I'm the only person who are authorized to do it).
  • Upon your request, I will export the file and upload it onto the program's server. Then, I will email you the URL of your file so that you can embed the player in your post.
  1. In "Create" under "Posting" in Blogger, click on the "Edit Html" tab.
  2. Copy and paste the tag below to the place where you want the player to appear.
  3. Click on "PUBLISH" and check your blog to make sure that the player works properly.
*embed src="URL_EMAILED_TO_YOU" width="170" height="30" autoplay="false" autostart="false" controller="true"#*/embed#

In this tag, replace:
  • * with <
  • # with >
  • URL_EMAILED_TO_YOU with the real URL I will send you after exporting and uploading the file

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blog: Evaluation Criteria

I compiled your thoughts about what a good blog is.
  • Language: Try to use Japanese
  • Frequency: Post regularly
  • Content Quality: Something about yourself, relevant to class/Japanese, honest, creative, informative
  • Comments: Comment to others, reply to comments
  • Others: Organization, visual, use of Media (photos, videos, etc.)
What do you think about them as our blog's evaluation criteria? Do you agree? Disagree? Let your opinions heard by commenting on to this post.